Friday, April 11, 2014

Classroom News for the Week of April 21st

News and Upcoming Events:

* Tuesday 4/22 Field Trip to MOCA at the Geffen. All students should bring a lunch from home with water. We will be on a short walking tour through Little Tokyo as well. This is the last early dismissal Tuesday (1:30) of the school year. We should be back on campus no later than 1:45.

* 4/23 - 4/24 Grade 4 Smarter Balance Testing. Please be to school on time. We will exercise, get water, use the restrooms, and begin testing promptly at 8:30. Tardy students will not be admitted to the testing session.

What's Going On This Week In Class:


Decimals Review: Adding, Subtracting, and Multiplying Decimals. 

Level 6 of Multiplication Madness has been added! Ask your child about his/her progress.


Planning and Drafting Dragonfly Reports; Famous Californians Research (Computer Lab)


Reading Historical Fiction: The Earth Dragon Awakes;  Comparing and Contrasting; Review of Similes and Metaphors


Looking and Talking About Art: Mike Kelley Exhibit; Sketching on Canvas

Social Studies & Science:

Social Studies: California Statehood

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Classroom News for the Week of April 7th

Thank you!

Room 17 had many volunteers last week helping on our field trip and at Friday's Shape Festival. Thank you to everyone who gave us their time and energy, and also to those of you who donated supplies. You helped make both events a success! 

Also, a huge thank you to Nicole and Gina for spearheading our class's project for the upcoming silent auction. The reading tent is going to be a beautiful and unique piece that some lucky family will treasure!

News and Upcoming Events:

* Student authored books (tall tales) - Please turn in order forms whether you plan on ordering additional copies or not. You may also submit a photo of your child for the cover, or I will use one of my copies of his/her school picture. 

* Students who took home their books to complete illustrations- they must be back and finished on Monday 4/7.

* 4/14 - 4/18 Spring Break- school closed.

* 4/22 - 4/25 Grade 4 Smarter Balance Testing

What's Going On This Week In Class:


We will revisit fractions this week. Students will be learning to use benchmarks of 0, 1/2, and 1 to compare fractions. Students will also be reviewing material in preparation for the upcoming Smarter Balance assessment.

Level 6 of Multiplication Madness has been added! Ask your child about his/her progress.


Summary/ Book reviews continued. Proofreading Skills Continued; Spelling: Punctuating Possessives continued


National Geographic Unit on Dragonflies: Making Inferences and Summarizing Informational Text.

Understanding and Writing Analogies


California Poppies (oil pastel) continued; Building a Better Dragonfly

Social Studies & Science:

Social Studies: California Gold Rush Wrap- Up