Sunday, October 19, 2014

Classroom News for the Week of October 20th

News and Upcoming Events: 

* The students did an excellent job on their CA. posters! Students' work will be on display in the rotunda beginning later this week. Please make sure to visit!

* For the next two Tuesdays, students will be making paper mache masks for our upcoming play. I have disposable aprons for the children to wear during this process, but you are welcome to send a smock from home. Please, no fancy clothes on these days.

10/25 Carnival of the Howlin' Wolves

10/31 Grade 4 Learning Fair
The 4th grade will have a Halloween/Day of the Dead Learning Fair from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00. You can sign-up to volunteer at the event or to donate supplies by clicking on the following link.
Sign-up: Halloween/Day of the Dead Festivities

10/31 Halloween Parade

11/12 Field Trip to Jet Propulsion Laboratory

  • Belina David
  • Charles Keagle
  • Kai Ti Wang Olsen
  • Rachel Livingston
  • Gina Kwon

* Tardies - Please make sure your child is at school and in line by the 8:06 bell. We try to start the school day at 8:11 promptly. Thank you for your help!

* Please check your child's Homework Log nightly and sign or initial after the work has been completed. Remind your child that completed homework and the HW log are due in class daily. 

What's Going On This Week In Class:

Second Step:

Lesson Focus: Understanding Complex Feelings. Please turn in "Home Practice"signed by an adult by Friday each week.


Multiples of 10, 100, 1000; Using Rounding to Estimate; Using the Distributive Property and Expanded Algorithm to Understand multi-Digit Multiplication

Multiplication Madness (Fact Practice) 

Language Arts:

This week we will begin reading Katherine Patterson's novel, Bridge to Terabithia

Students will continue the quarter 1 language arts assessment by writing a fictional narrative. Topic: A Day in the Life of an Archaeologist.

Writer's Workshop: Unit 1 Personal Narratives

This week we will celebrate the children's hard work in unit 1. Students will have time to read and enjoy their classmates' work. Next week we will begin a new unit.

Greek and Latin Roots:
Please study the meanings and spellings of these ten words. You will have a quiz on Friday. 
scrip & scrib, graph & gram = write, writing
  1. autograph
  2. biography
  3. grammar
  4. graphic
  5. graphite
  6. inscribe
  7. inscription
  8. prescription
  9. transcribe
  10. scribe
Social Studies/Science:

Earth Science- Rocks and Minerals

Social Studies: Native Californians' Use of Natural Resources


Theater: We have started to work on our play with Ms. Beret.

Visual Arts: Paper mache mask making