Monday, December 5, 2011

Weekly News: December 5th

This Week's News:

Grade 4 & 5 - Geometry (Points, Lines, Rays, Polygons)
All groups will begin crafting presentations of literature circle books this week.
Grade 4 - Making a Splash - (non fiction)
Grade 5 - A Historic Journey (historical fiction)
Fantasy Narratives
Root Words:
root: scrip, scrib
words: inscribe, inscription, prescription, transcribe, scribe
root: graph, gram
words: autograph, biography, grammar, graphic, graphite

* No Social Studies / Science rotations this week.

  • Please sign your child's homework log nightly
Upcoming Events:
Notes and Reminders:
  • Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri are minimum days. School gets out at 12:50pm. Brunch is from 10:00 - 10:30.
  • Tuesday is regular schedule: 8:11-1:30
*To download homework, please click on the appropriate grade level under downloads and links. Find the correct month then click on the desired date.