Friday, September 11, 2015

Classroom News for the Week of September 14th

News and Upcoming Events: 

If you haven't already done so, please send in your $50 field trip donation & T-shirt order form as soon as possible. We are still short ten families.

  • 9/14 Unassigned Day - School Closed
  • 9/15 Book Orders Due
  • 9/23 Unassigned Day - School Closed
  • 9/24 Focus Fish PE Program Begins

Please click on the link below to view my Amazon wish list.

What's Going On This Week In Class:

Subtracting Whole Numbers - Modeling with a Tape Diagram & the Using the Standard Algorithm; Performance Task Problem Solving

Using the CUBES strategy to unlock word problems

Multiplication Madness (Fact Practice) 


This week we will read chapters 8-11 of Bridge to Terabithia (realistic fiction). Our lessons will be on analyzing character relationships and looking at the author's use of foreshadowing.

This week students will be reading and discussing the birthday of the U.S. Constitution with Mr. Fauth.

Genre Blackout: Students have been challenged to read books from 9 different genres in the first reporting period. Ask your child about his/her progress.

Spelling & Vocabulary:
This week's prefixes are re (back, again) and cir, circum (around)

Our words are:

  1. circulate
  2. circulatory
  3. circumference
  4. circumstance
  5. circumscribe
  6. restrict
  7. reimburse
  8. reassure
  9. regain
  10. recede

Students should study both the meanings and spellings of these words. They will bring a study guide home at the beginning of the week. We will also complete activities and a pre-test in class to help them prepare for the quiz. Students will be tested on Friday.


Unit 1 of Writer's Workshop: Realistic Fiction continues. This week's lessons include how to give our characters struggles and motivations and plotting our stories with a story arc.

Computer Lab:

As part of the federal government's "Every Child In a Park" initiative, our students will complete online activities and will print and bring home a FREE family pass to all U.S. National Parks! Ask your child for the pass Wednesday evening.

Social Studies/Science:

Social Studies: Geography: Identifying Hemispheres
Science: Rocks and Minerals


 Please make sure your child is at school and in line by the 8:06 bell. We try to start the school day at 8:11 promptly. Thank you for your help!

Please check your child's Homework Log nightly and sign or initial after the work has been completed. Remind your child that completed homework and the HW log are due in class daily.