Saturday, August 31, 2013

Classroom News for the Week of September 2nd

Notices and Reminders:

Please send a check payable to Mt. Washington Elementary for $50 as soon as possible to cover the cost of this year's field trips. We have seven trips planned this year for your child and need your contribution to make them happen.  There is no other funding source for these school excursions.  If it is easier for your family, you are welcome to send two payments of $25. Thank you in advance for your support!

Congratulations to Nikos, Jade, and Lola! They are student council representatives this year from room 17.  I'd like to thank all of the children who ran. You did a great job on your speeches and showed what great classroom citizens you are. You should feel proud of your efforts! Well done! 

* Please make sure to check (and sign) your child's Homework Log each evening.  
* Turn in August reading calendars by Wednesday 9/4.
* Please join the PTA! If we have 100% membership, our class will receive a $100 gift card to purchase supplies. We are close!

READING LIST: Wondering what your child should be reading? Check out NPR's 100 Must-Reads for 9 to 14 year olds 100 Must-Reads

YOUR HELP NEEDED:  Wow! Thanks to the support of the Zepeda, Harth and Staley-Thomas families our project on Donors Choose is almost halfway funded! Please click on this link: Donors Choose to read more about the project and to make a donation. It's fast, easy, and tax-deductible. Every little bit helps and will provide your child with some wonderful materials for this school year. Thank you!

Monday, September 2nd: School closed for Holiday.
Tuesday, September 3rd: Early dismissal Tuesdays begin. School is dismissed at 1:30 p.m.
Thursday, September 5th: School closed. Happy Rosh Hashanah!

What's Going On This Week In Class:


Topic 2 continues: Review and practice of adding and subtracting with regrouping. 


This week students will begin the brainstorming and planning process of writing a fictional narrative based on the design challenge (see "Art and Writing" below).

Revision practice: Showing vs. Telling


We will be reading out of the Treasures anthology. This week's selection is a short biographical article on Cesar Chavez. 

Literature selection:  Bridge to Terabithia. Reading comprehension strategy: Making Inferences. 

Accelerated Reader/ Genre Blackout Challenge continued...Ask your child about his/her progress.

Greek and Latin Roots Homework:

Due to the short school week, there will be no root words assigned this week.

Art & Writing:

Design Challenge: Design an NBS Place to Play. Students will be working in groups, using their creativity to make a never-before-seen place to play- similar in concept to the imaginary world of "Terabithia" Jess and Leslie create in Bridge to Terabithia. Students will be using their creations to help them write detailed descriptions of their imaginary place to play and a narrative.

Class/Team Building:

This week our focus will be on what it means to work together collaboratively: Listening to everyone's ideas, finding common ground, presenting ideas as a team. Also, using our time in class wisely.

Social Studies/Science:

Social Studies: Geography - Understanding maps of the earth: Learning hemispheres and lines of latitute and longitude.

Science:  Earth Sciences: Rocks and Minerals