Sunday, September 14, 2014

Classroom News for the Week of September 15th

News and Upcoming Events: 

9/18 Book Orders due

9/25 Unassigned Day - School Closed

10/10 Field Trip

This will be our first field trip of the year. We will be visiting Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Gardens in Claremont. Our trip will focus on Native Californians' use of the environment.
We can take five chaperones on this trip. If you would like to volunteer to ride the school bus with us and chaperone a small group of students on this day, please email me at The trip will last the length of the school day. Volunteers will be assigned on a first come/first serve basis. Thank you in advance for your time!

* Tardies - Please make sure your child is at school and in line by the 8:06 bell. We try to start the school day at 8:11 promptly. Thank you for your help!

* Please check your child's Homework Log nightly and sign or initial after the work has been completed. Remind your child that completed homework and the HW log are due in class daily. 

* Finished and graded work will be sent home at the beginning of each week (large manila envelope). Please review your child's work with him/her, sign the envelope, and return the envelope to school no later than Wednesday each week.

  • In this week's folder, please look for the results from your child's STAR reading assessment. This will show your child's ZPD (reading range) for Accelerated Reader books.

What's Going On This Week In Class:

Design Challenge of the Month:

Design an NBS (never-before-seen) Shelter - Students will work in small groups to construct a shelter. Designs will need to satisfy the needs of a criteria chart. Students will present their designs to peers.


Adding and Subtracting with Regrouping (Review)

Individualized Practice: Accelerated Math

Multiplication Madness (Fact Practice) 


Scholastic News: Reading for main ideas and key details.

This week we will finish Island of the Blue Dolphins. Students will take the AR quiz and have final assignments for the book.

Writer's Workshop: Unit 1 Personal Narratives

Writing on Demand: Writing An Opinion

This week's mini-lessons focus on using a strong emotions to develop story ideas and using a storyteller's voice (show vs. tell).

Greek and Latin Roots:
Prefixes: mono, uni = one; bi, du = two; tri = three; quad, quad = four 

Please study the meanings and spellings of these ten words. You will have a quiz on Friday. 

1. monopoly
2. unicorn
3. unify
4. dual
5. bisect
6. triplet
7. trilogy
8. triathlon
9. quadrangle
10. quadruple

Social Studies/Science:

Earth Science- Rocks and Minerals

Social Studies: Finding absolute location using lines of latitude and longitude; Hemispheres


Theater: Performing Shakespearean Pantomimes; Collaboration

Visual Arts: Watercolor technique