Friday, January 16, 2015

Classroom News for the Week of January 19th

News and Upcoming Events: 

1/19 MLK Holiday School Closed

1/21 & 1/22 Showing of "Akeelah and the Bee" - Please turn in your child's permission slip right away.

1/23 Field Trip To Leonis Adobe Museum. 
On this trip, students will learn what life was like on a working rancho during the early 1800s. Students will need to bring a sack lunch and a snack on this day. The museum limits us to 3 parent chaperones on this trip. Due to limited space on the bus, parents will need to drive/carpool. If you would like to attend, please email me at Chaperones will be assigned on a first come/first serve basis.

* Tardies - Please make sure your child is at school and in line by the 8:06 bell. We try to start the school day at 8:11 promptly. Thank you for your help!

* Please check your child's Homework Log nightly and sign or initial after the work has been completed. Remind your child that completed homework and the HW log are due in class daily. 

What's Going On This Week In Class:

Second Step:

No lesson this week.


Using Benchmark Fractions to Compare Fractions with Different Denominators

Multiplication Madness (Fact Practice) 

Accelerated Math (Individualized Practice)


Bud, Not Buddy: Chapters 5 through 8. Students will be bringing their books home to complete homework. Please make sure s/he returns the book to school the next day. Comprehension worksheets should be answered in complete sentences.

Students will begin taking the District's Writing Assessment this week. They will read articles, take notes, watch a video, engage in small group discussion, and then write an informative article based on what they have learned.

Writer's Worshop - This week's mini-lessons are (continued): Using Elaboration Prompts, and Choosing a Seed Idea

Students will work in pairs and begin researching a California mission.

Identifying and Using Conjunctions

Social Studies/Science:

The Modern Civil Rights Movement and Dr. King's Life and Legacy continued...

Earth Science- Electricity and Magnetism

Social Studies: The Impact of the Mission System