Saturday, March 3, 2018

Classroom News for the Week of March 5th

News and Upcoming Events: 

3/8 - Language arts homework this week: Final revision and edits of fairy tale. Final version due 3/8. Make sure to follow formatting instructions carefully. See Formatting Book Project in "Class Handouts" link to the right if you need another copy. (Please note these due dates are from several years ago.) Please turn in a printed hard copy and a copy saved to your flash drive. We will printing from the flash drive onto the publisher's paper.

3/16 First-grade Buddies

3/26- 3/30 Spring Break. No school.

4/2 Cesar Chavez Birthday observed. No school.

4/5 Field Trip to Placerita Canyon. We can take 3 parent chaperones. If you are able to supervise a group of students on this hiking trip, please email me at

We are running low on some classroom supplies. Donations for any of the following items are greatly appreciated!

  • Clorox bleach wipes
  • Clear tape in individual dispensers
  • masking tape
  • paper towels

What's Going On This Week In Class:


 Using area models to find equivalent fractions.

 By The Great Horn Spoon chapters 4-8. This week we will be using depth and complexity icons and writing personal responses journal entries.

Scholastic News - Life in Space: Writing informational text; identifying text structures; supporting main ideas with details.


Students will be using the computer lab (and their google accounts) to type and add graphics to their persuasive essays.

Visual Art:

Drawing: Ships - Watercolor and ink

Social Studies/Science -

Social Studies - Sam Brannan and the Gold Rush

Science - Start of new unit: Life Science
Please make sure your child is at school and in line by the 8:06 bell. We try to start the school day at 8:11 promptly. Thank you for your help!

Please check your child's Homework Log nightly and sign or initial after the work has been completed. Remind your child that completed homework and the HW log are due in class daily.

Birthday Celebrations: If you would like to send treats to celebrate your child's birthday, please email me a day or 2 in advance so that I can make time in our schedule for it. Treats must be something small and easy to pass out. Donuts, cookies, muffins, and mini cupcakes all work great. We currently have 30 students in our class. Your child will distribute them at the end of the day as his/her classmates are leaving the room.

Donations: If you would like to make a donation to our class (this allows me to turn in receipts for purchases I have made for the students), you can write a check to "Mt. Washington El." In the subject line write, "Donation to Room 12". Any amount is appreciated! Thank you!