Friday, November 15, 2019

Classroom News for the Week of November 18th

Please make sure your child is at school and in line by the 8:06 bell. We try to start the school day at 8:11 promptly. Thank you for your help!

Please check your child's Homework Log nightly and sign or initial after the work has been completed. Remind your child that completed homework and the HW log are due in class daily.

News and Upcoming Events: 

11/18 Parent Conference Week. Please use the link below to select one conference time for your child. Due to the number of students, we will be limited to 15 minute conferences. After you have selected and submitted a conference slot, please add your child's first name in the comment section. Thank you!

11/21 - PBL Presentations 8:45 in the MPR. We hope you can make it! Plan to spend approx. 30 to 40 minutes with us.

11/25 - Thanksgiving Week: no school.

12/16 - Holiday Performance

12/23-1/10 Winter Break

1/13 School resumes

1/31 Field Trip to Leonis Adobe Museum.  We have 2 chaperone spots left. If you are willing and able to supervise a small group of students on the trip and at the park afterward, please email me at Chaperones will be assigned on a first come/first serve basis. This trip will last the entire school day and involves lots of walking and standing. Thank you!

What's Going On This Week In Class:


Multiplication: 2 x 2 digit multiplication using the area model and partial products method. 


Scholastic News: What Happened to this Colony? (The lost colony of Roanoke); Identifying text structure and answering close reading questions.

Students started a new round of Genre Genius. Ask your child about which genres s/he has selected.

Spelling & Vocabulary:

No vocabulary words this week.

Social Studies/ Science:

Thanksgiving History; European Colonization and the Mission System; Physical Science - Energy


Getting familiar with Maker's Empire software to design 3D objects.

Project-Based Learning (PBL):

Rehearsing and presenting our learning


Body proportion lesson 3 with Ms. Ng
Keith Haring - Artist Appreciation