Sunday, December 8, 2019

Classroom News for the Week of December 9th

Please make sure your child is at school and in line by the 8:06 bell. We try to start the school day at 8:11 promptly. Thank you for your help!

Check your child's Homework Log nightly and sign or initial after the work has been completed. Remind your child that completed homework and the HW log are due in class daily.

News and Upcoming Events: 
We are having difficulty securing a JPL trip date. This is a popular field trip for schools, and getting a date has become very competitive. Each month new tour dates become available. Dates for March 2020 go live on Jan. 6. at 9 a.m. 

For the last several months all tour dates have been taken within 2 minutes of becoming available. We could use your help in securing a date. Hopefully, with more people trying for MWE, we'll get one.
This is the link:

  1.  Select "educational group tour" and "80" for number of visitors and wait for the tour dates to go live. 
  2. Wed., Thurs., or Friday 9:30 tour times are optimal, but we will take anything and make it work!You may use my email address ( or your own. You will be asked for the school name, address, phone number, and number of buses (1). Don't worry about the details just fill in the form as fast as you can. Autofill works best. Once we get a confirmed date, we will be able to edit, change, and correct the information if needed. 
  3. Please let me know if you were successful by sending me the confirmation number. If by chance we get multiple dates, I will cancel the extra tour(s). Thank you and good luck!

12/9 "Our Favorite Failures" homework assignment due. Instructions handed on Monday 12/2. 

12/16 - Holiday Performance

12/20 - Grade 4 "At the Movies" Party
Students: please bring in a $3 donation by Friday 12/13 to help stock our concession stand :).

12/23-1/10 Winter Break

1/13 School Resumes

1/31 Field Trip to Leonis Adobe Museum.
All chaperone spots have been filled. Thank you!

Items Needed:
  • Double-sided, solid color origami paper: 6 inch, 4 inch, & 3 inch square 
  • Desk wipes
You can purchase these using the link below, or send in similar items. Thank you for your help! 
Room 12's Wishlist

What's Going On This Week In Class:
Solving division problems using arrays and area models.


Scholastic News: Identifying text structure; Drawing conclusions.

Interim Assessment: Informational Text

Poetry: Identifying rhyming verse and making meaning


Quick writes: Supporting opinions

Spelling & Vocabulary:

magn, magni, maxi = great, large &   gen= origin, birth

  • magnate
  • magnificent
  • maximum
  • maximize
  • magnification
  • generation
  • genuine
  • generic
  • generous
  • generate
Social Studies/ Science:

Daily Life at the Missions - Primary & Secondary Sources
Note: There will not be a mission home assignment to complete. However, if you have a chance to stop and tour a mission over the break (San Gabriel is very close), this can really help make this history come alive.

Physical Science - Energy


Getting familiar with Maker's Empire software to design 3D objects. Families can download the free app at home. 
Students' user names are first names followed by rm12. Passwords are goroom12.

Example: user: maryrm12 password: goroom12

Positive and Negative Space with Ms. Ng
Keith Haring - Artist Appreciation